Clay Clinic

Clay Therapy

Clay has long been known to assist the body with healing. Our Clay Clinic provides clay applications to the body for a wide variety of ailments. We choose from many different clay minerals to best suit you and what is needed. Treatments are provided by donation. There is no set fee.

Clay embodies vital elemental forces, widely overlooked. All of the elements Earth, Air, Fire and Water have tremendous healing power.  Clay is Earth and retains the planet’s electromagnetic energy. It is a purifier like fire, water, and air despite being dirt! Healing with clay connects us to the earth’s forces and creates a reciprocal relationship. Consequently, as healthier humans, we have more energy and passion for tending to the earth.

While clay is not a cure-all, it is a natural remedy that can have an impact on the body, mind, and spirit, depending on how it is used. Potters, for example, have experienced its ‘healing’ effect through clay’s willingness to listen. When you push or pinch the clay responds. Experience with a particular clay and its moisture content elicits the best response, but the inherent nature of clay is to move as instructed; pliable at the creator’s hand. 

Clay on the body is applied in a pack, poultice, or bath. It has the capacity to reenergize or detoxify through its ionic charge. Clients’ comments have ranged from feeling more relaxed, rejuvenated, grounded, and more at peace to describing clay as “a gift; a reconnection with the forces of nature, a spiritual connection that permeates the soul, the physical body, the whole self.”

Your visit starts with a Zoom call to understand your needs and to schedule your in-person visit. When you arrive in person you will receive a treatment and also learn how to do them yourself. You will receive a suggested treatment plan to follow up with.